Thursday, 15 January 2009

A Wider Audience?

Well I don't know how but our little group has a paragraph in the Evesham Journal this week! Thank you to who ever put that in and let's hope it brings even more people to our February gathering. I've become a little obsessed with Noro yarn at the moment - the colours are amazing and means that even knitting in the round is interesting because of the constant colour changes. I think I knit faster when knitting with Noro to make the changes come round more quickly!

I'm also considering steeking at the arm holes and neck so I can continue knitting in the round. See here: for an explaination.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hello Wendy
thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I am behind with my blog this year...I have been devoting my time to knitting instead ;) my next post I hope to expand upon my new year goals.
I have just bought some Noro Cashmere Island!
shade 11
which yarn are you using? I hope you will be posting pics of this project, when it is done. Kudos to you for steeking!!!!!!